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Omniscience for GitHub


Stay on top of your GitHub Pull Requests and streamline your code review workflow like never before with Omniscience.


- PR Tracking: With a clean and intuitive interface, you can quickly view the status of relevant PRs, distinguishing between those pending review and those already reviewed.

- Desktop Notifications: Stay informed about PR updates with desktop notifications. Receive alerts for when a new PR requires your review, your previous review was dismissed, or when your review is re-requested. Never miss an important update.

- Secure and Private: Your GitHub credentials and data are kept secure and private. Your GitHub credentials are stored on device and only ever transmitted via HTTPS to GitHub via the official GitHub API.

- Label Filtering: Filter your PRs by label to get rid of the clutter of multi-team repositories, making it a breeze to focus on whats important.

Omniscience is the perfect companion for developers who want to optimise their code review workflow. Say goodbye to forgotten PRs and being a blocker for your team!

Note: Omniscience is not affiliated with GitHub, Inc. It is an independent application designed to enhance your GitHub experience.